31 Jan 2015


serves 4 persons

  • Green Gram - 2 cups
  • Raw rice - 1/2cup
  • Green chillies - 2
  • Ginger - 1 inch piece
  • oil to prepare pesarattu

For onion topping mix the below together
  • onion cut into small pieces
  • coriander leaves - little (cut)
  • curry leaves - little (cut
  • sesame seeds - little
  • salt 

  • Soak Green gram and rice together for 6hr .(I soak overnight)
  • Grind soaked green gram , rice ,chillies and ginger like dosa dough.(preferably in the grinder)
  • Mix salt and make like dosas.
  • You can also add the onion topping for the pesarattu. 

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